Life Insurance2019-01-25T07:35:41+08:00

Life Insurance

To get the correct life insurance need not be arduous or expensive – but it is critical to start early and get sufficient  cover. We pride ourselves on providing cost-effective insurance to our customers and making sure we deliver a straight forward and transparent experience.

  • Provides a lump sum benefit if you pass away.
  • Provides a lump sum benefit if you are diagnosed with a terminal illness
  • Can take this insurance both inside and outside super
  •  The premium can be funded by a partial rollover from just about any super fund
  • How much do I need?
  • How much does it cost?
  • Provides a lump sum benefit if you become totally and permanently or partially and
    permanently disabled.
  • The premium can be funded by a partial rollover from just about any super fund
  •  How much do I need?
  • How much does it cost?
  • Provides a lump sum benefit if you experience a health event or are diagnosed with a serious
  • How much do I need?
  • How much does it cost?
  • Income Protection allows you to receive a monthly payment while you are unable to work.
  •  How much do I need?
  •  How much does it cost?

What’s involved – you get paid your ‘sum insured’ after a certain ‘waiting period’, for a certain nominated ‘benefit period’.

Waiting period
14 days to 2 years, the longer the waiting period the lower the premium

Benefit Period

  • You can get paid from 1 year to age 70
    Can take this insurance both inside and outside super
    The premium can be funded by a partial rollover from just about any super fund.
  • If you take it outside super (i.e. pay it personally) the premiums are tax deductible

What determines how much insurance (sum insured) I need:
Income required, debt, lifestyle needs, inheritances, cash reserves

What determines the cost (premium)?
Smoker status
Pastimes and hobbies
Family history
Premiums structure- level, stepped or hybrid

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